Saturday, June 28, 2008

Blackout, the blind following the blind

In the far South of the continent, there is the Republic of South Africa. South Africa produces one of the “Dirtiest” electricity in the whole world (from coal), yet South Africa is rationing electricity. Please do NOT tell me they did not see it coming. They have Ghana as an example to learn from. Sure, they are more advance than Ghana, but presently, they are where Ghana was a year ago. Is that stupid or dumb? Is this the case of the blind following the blind?

It is surprising that a country like Botswana with all her Diamond and Gold, have to depend on South Africa for more that 50% of her electricity. Why can’t Botswana build her own coal-fired electricity plant?

Lets look at Uganda. Idi Amin is gone, Obote is gone. There is a new guard, and the new guard is doing something positive. Heavy fuel plant facility is in the works. A hydro “green” electric plant is under construction at Bujagali and another one at Karuma.
They sure deserve a “pat” on the back.
Sure every politician steals some money or takes bribes, in some cases (and no names, cannot afford a lawsuit), they steal more and hide them in far away Switzerland than they spend on the masses (these Africans really believe in the application of the 80-20 rule).

There is a new crop of Ugandan leadership that seem to care some about the little guyLet me give them credit where credit is due.

Then we have the new gurd in the Republic of Congo have come to recognized what it would take to move into the 21st century. Lets give them a pat on the back for the work they are doing in Grand Inga. With some luck they will be able to light up half of the continent.
Lets not forget, the money was here when we came, and it will be here when we check out and go to face our Maker. Hording the loot for you alone in a Swiss number account, will do nobody any good when you check out, except the Swiss government, who gets to keep the unclaimed loot

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