Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Electricity Liberia

Well, our journey for electricity in Africa has taken us to Liberia.
We know Liberia is just coming off an ugly civil war that pretty much wiped out everything in the country, this search for electricity on the continent is an equal opportunity, so there are no exemptions (maybe only when we come to North Africa).
For now lets look at what has been achieve in the year since Her Excellency Madame Johnson-Sirleaf took office. Part of the capital has seen electricity (namely the central part of the Capital Monrovia and Sinkor). We know a bunch of Ghanaian Electricity folks were sent to go and help, I just hope they have not gone there with the same mentality they had in Ghana (greasing the palm before getting what one rightfully is entitled to) after all, the poor folks left in Liberia are barely scratching a living, so they have nothing extra to grease palms with. Liberia is planning on using rubber wood chips to fuel some of their power plants. I know when rubber burns, it gives off a very pungent nauseating odour, but at least it is a start. The effort for this undertaking is a company called Buchanan Renewable Energies (BRE). BRE is planning on bringing more heavy equipment to help develop the infrastructure. Considering what has happened so far and compared to some of the Africa countries that have been trouble free for the last 20 years, and who are still living with rotating blackout and darkness, these folks need to be cheered for their efforts, lets give them a hand.

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